Colombia Gran Galope
Colombia Gran Galope Colombia Gran Galope Colombia Gran Galope Colombia Gran Galope
Roast Level: Medium Light
Agtron Score: 72
Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Cantaloupe
Region: Cauca
Elevation: 1400-2000 masl
Varietals: Caturra, Colombia, Castillo
Milling Process: Washed
Harvest: May-August
Roaster's Notes: This coffee is such a nice, easy drinking, enjoyable cup. It's very chocolatey, with hints of lighter fruits like cantaloupe. 

About Colombian Coffee: One of the best things about Colombian coffee is the fact that there can be a wide range of flavor out of the coffees produced there. The full range of flavor comes from this country's coffee; each region has something unique and enjoyable to offer. You can find the most traditional tasting coffee all the way to one of the most exciting coffee you've ever tasted all produced in the same place. Colombia is a mountainous country with high elevation which is ideal for growing coffee because higher elevation has less oxygen, so the plants grow slower and have more time to develop complex flavor. 

SUBSCRIPTION NOTE: to review subscription offerings for our currently available Colombian coffee, click here. 

Premium Quality, Shipped Fresh
At Denim Coffee we work with specialty coffee beans, the highest quality coffee in the world, and we are committed to premium quality fresh roast coffee. To this end we roast and ship our coffee beans fresh every Tuesday. 

Order by Monday at Midnight
To ensure your order is included in Tuesday's roast, order by Monday at midnight. Orders placed after Monday at midnight will be included on the following Tuesday's roast.