Pallo Coffeetool LP Black
Pallo Coffeetool LP Black Pallo Coffeetool LP Red - Denim Coffee Company
 - 2 Pallo Coffeetool LP Red - Denim Coffee Company
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The unique design and water deflecting fins keep your hands cool and dry while back flushing. Clean your group head, dose your cleaner, and unclog your steam wand vents all with this one convenient tool. Nylon Bristle Brush replacements are available. The Pallo Coffeetool is 9-inch long.


  • Unique design and water deflecting fins keep your hands cool and dry while back flushing
  • Dose your cleaner and clean your group head on your espresso machine
  • Unclog steam wand vents with this tool
  • Replacement bristles available in packs of 3
  • 9-inch long